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Got a burning 'Great Rhythms In Mind' related query of a question? 

Chances are your not the first.....

We also have here, what we believe to be, some 'Fucking Awesome Quotes' which are mixed in just to keep you on your toes......

What does G.R.I.M stand for?


In all honesty, if your here reading this and really asking that.... you should probably just leave now!

BUT... dont. We do acknowledge that it may be because you may catch us using various other words in place of Great, Rhythms, In or Mind at any given time.... Feel free to do like wise!


Is it Good, Great or Grimey?

Its fooking awesome is what it is! But any one of these can be used, depending on your personal preference and social background, we're pretty easy going like that....



Is it Riddims, Rhythms, Rhymes, Rhythems or Rythems?


OK, this one throws some folk but again, its whatever is good for you. Lance says Riddims 'cos hes 'gangsta' like that. Nay says Rhythms 'cos he was brought up properly. James say neither because its all beneath him. Rhythms and Rhymes are interchangable to differentiate between lyrics and choonz.  NO ONE says those last two because they are just spelt incorrectly and do nobody any favours.     Join our #SpellRhythmsRight Campaign here



Do people ever actually read all the FAQ'S?!


“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning.”
― Plato

How do you make those... noizesounds?!


Whoooah... Whats this? A serious question? OK, well just this once......

We use different tech to manipulate the sounds we play. On drums, for example, Kyle will use an acoustic/electronic hybrid set up, utilising 'triggers', meaning he can incorperate samples on the fly and change the sound of the kit to.... well.... pretty much anything! Then we have our axemen using effects pedals such as the Roland GR-55 to painstakingly manipulate and distort the any sounds they wanna funk with until they have distilled that fine-tuned G.R.I.M-ness you know and love!


I heard that E=BW² ?


“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
― Albert Einstein



What, exactly, is "The > "Bowm Bowm" <


"It is a sad truth, but we have lost the faculty of giving lovely names to things. Names are everything. I never quarrel with actions. My one quarrel is with words. The man who could call a spade a spade should be compelled to use one.  It is the only thing he is fit for."

 — Oscar Wilde

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